Help + Info - GoBang 2008

Author: Manfred Schwarz –

Licence: freeware

Requirement: PC with Windows XP or Vista, Internet connection, .NET Framework 3.5 (will be installed automatically if it isn’t on your system)

Installation Path:

Updates: will be installed automatically if you start the game

Target of game: 2 players on 2 PCs play over internet server of

Gobang is an old chinese game with the target to get 5 stones in one row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal). Both players set their stone alternately. A special situation is: You place a stone and this stone with another of yours encloses 2 of your partner stones. In this case the both stones of your partner will be removed.

If you have already installed GoBang and you start it, the program looks on the website for updates. If there updates, following message is displayed:

Press “OK” to update your GoBang to the newest version.

Help – Index

new member


white / start

place a stone

remove stones of your partner


send messages to your partner


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